Mini Carnations

A perfect symbol for any celebration, Mini Carnations are a classic addition to any bouquet.

Close-up of vibrant pink carnations with delicate petals showcasing various shades of light pink, set against a soft-focused neutral background for a serene floral display.

You can identify Mini Carnations by their ruffled petals and double blossoms. Multi-branches stems will feature several blooms and are grown in many colors, including white, pink, red, purple, yellow, and orange. Mini carnations can also come in more than one color (bi-colors) and in frosted colors, where the edge of the petal is a different color from the blossom.

Perhaps more than any other flower, varieties of carnations have been used in celebrations the longest. In ancient Greece, carnations were used to create flower crowns during coronation ceremonies. Starting in 1907, white carnations were associated with Mother’s Day. Throughout the modern era, they’ve been used for boutonnières as a part of wedding ceremonies.

Mini Carnations are associated with pure love, meaning “my heart yearns for you”.

Silhouette of a bouquet with various flowers and leaves in a classic vase, depicted in a monochrome style, suitable for minimalist decor or as a subtle background element.


7-14 days

Simplified graphic of a flower with an abstract design next to a vertical measurement ruler, depicted in a monochromatic, minimalist style on a plain background.


16-20 in

Simplified monochrome illustration of a globe with scientific and technological symbols, representing global innovation and connectivity in a digital world.


Croatia, Albania & Europe

Icon of an open book with a flower on the left page and assorted text and bullet points on the right page, representing literature or a botanical textbook.



Close-up of vibrant pink roses with delicate petals and lush green leaves, resting on a rustic wooden surface, adding a touch of natural beauty.

You’ll enjoy the subtle scent of Mini Carnations and admire the texture and color they bring to bouquets.

More info at our BloomsyBox Blog

Colorful assortment of flowers including pink roses, yellow daffodils, and white blooms arranged in a circle on a white background with space for text in the center.

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