Our "Love in Bloom" orchid arrangement is a captivating blend of delicate pink orchids, lush greenery, and a touch of sparkle all perfectly displayed in a keepsake pink ceramic pot. This elegant display is a perfect expression of love, affection, and admiration. The vibrant pink orchids symbolize passion and grace, lush greenery adds a touch of freshness and vitality, and the included shimmering "Love" accent speaks volumes. This stunning arrangement is sure to brighten your Valentine’s day for months to come.
Includes a 4” pot.
1. Watering properly. Growing 15”-20” tall requires just two ice cubes or three tablespoons of water each week. 2. Light. These low maintenance plants enjoy bright, indirect light. 3. Blooming. The orchids are dyed using a safe and natural patented method of injecting a specially formulated dye into the stem of the plants. Blooms typically last 8-12 weeks. Once the blooms fall off, it will rebloom with proper continued care.