Introducing Sunshine Delight bouquet, a burst of vibrant joy. Radiant yellow sunflowers bask in the spotlight, while the passionate allure of hot pink roses and spray roses adds a touch of romance. This bouquet embodies the warmth of sunshine and the fervor of love, a perfect gift to brighten any day with its cheerful and charming essence.
1. Trim your stems. Make sure to trim the stems at a 45-degree angle before placing them in your vase with your flower food. This helps them hydrate properly! 2. Replace the vase water. Keep your vase free of harmful bacteria that will shorten the lifespan of your flowers by removing wilted petals, removing leaves below the waterline, and replacing the water in your vase often. 3. Keep it cool. Your cut flowers will always be happiest in cooler spaces. Whatever you do, avoid sunny windows!
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Heads up! Your bouquet might include slightly different flowers or colors than the arrangement pictured. Some flowers may arrive in bud form, which will gradually open as they reach full bloom.