Transport yourself to a Tropical Dreamland with our exquisite bouquet. Vibrant loafa half and pink loafa sponge add elegance, while heliconia sassy and anana create an exotic oasis. Alpinia, dieffenbachia, lettuce fern, willow, eucalyptus doll, and cordelyne complete the lush foliage. Experience the enchantment of a tropical paradise in your own space.
1. Keep it warm. Your tropical bouquet prefers warm temperatures between 55-75°F. No coolers! 2. Stay hydrated! Grown and harvested in hot, humid climates, tropical flowers need plenty of water. Keep your vase 2/3 full at all times. And as usual, be sure to trim the stems at an angle before placing your bouquet in water. 3. Spray it, don’t say it. Your tropical greens and flowers need extra hydration to live long and happy vase lives. Be sure to spray your bouquet with water daily.
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Heads up! Your bouquet might include slightly different flowers or colors than the arrangement pictured. Some flowers may arrive in bud form, which will gradually open as they reach full bloom.
Meet the Farmer
The Saenz Family
Sitting on the west bank of the Guayas River, just 45 miles from the Pacific Ocean, is the coastal city of Guayaquil. Known as a gateway to the Galapagos Islands, Guayaquil is also considered the center of Ecuador’s economy. The city is home to sugar refineries, coffee plantations and fabricating plants, and is responsible for over half of the country’s imports and exports.